You can make a difference. 


While we obtain nonprofit status, we are only accepting non tax-deductible donations. These can be made via Go Fund Me. (Our page was set up in honor of our son Zev by one of the leaders of the Mamoní Valley Preserve.) All donations go toward programming. Our year-end reports detail exactly where funding is allocated.

Some donation options:

Sponsor scholarship for ONE high-achieving local student… $75

Sponsor capacity building for ONE local entrepreneur… $95

Fund ONE monthly “learning in the rainforest” workshop in ONE community… $120

Sponsor ONE family to grow secondary forest… $240+ (see below)


Offset your carbon in a global biodiversity hotspot, in a way that supports the local economy and cultivates a healthy codependence between people and the rainforest. One hectare of secondary forest in our part of the world captures about 11 metric ton CO2/year, which at $15/metric ton CO2 means local households receive $165 per hectare (or 2.5 acres) they decide to grow versus cut down for agriculture. You can offset your carbon in at least three ways:

  1. Offset your carbon with a minimum annual contribution of $240 (based on the average U.S. resident with approximately 16 metric tons CO2 and 1.4 R/T flights, according to TNC & Gallup)

  2. Add $7.50 for every additional cross-country flight beyond your third
    (One R/T cross-country flight produces ~1 metric ton CO2 according to Flight Free USA)

  3. Alternatively, calculate & offset your footprint using a Carbon Calculator (contact us with questions)


We are always accepting guests who can support our work in the community and in Finca Ficus, particularly those with teaching experience and/or interest in heavy manual labor in agriculture, trail-building, and construction with natural materials.

We are also looking for a longer-term intern who is enamored by the rainforest, who enjoys small children, and who is passionate about education. This person would enhance / expand our English-language and nature education program we run at our small multi-grade primary school, in partnership with us, our students, teachers, and forest school mentors.


We want to work with you if you are already working in the Mamoní Valley Preserve or the Cocobolo Nature Preserve, and want to strengthen your connection to and impact in our community. Contact us to collaborate.

We would also love to hear from you if you have a product, service, program, or idea that you think could help our community mitigate or become more resilient to climate change.